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How to easily declutter your home/Sell my house in Newport

There may be many reasons on why you want to declutter your home easily:

  • You may be moving and need to downsize on items
  • the holidays are approaching (and if you have kids that means more toys
  • You may want a junk room cleaned out to re-purpose it.
  • you are tired of that storage fee


Whatever the reason you want to declutter your home in Newport, starting can be overwhelming. But it does not have to be overwhelming.

Here is how to de-clutter your home easily in Newport:

How to easily declutter your home


  • One item a day will keep clutter away. Although this method will take some time, if throwing away or giving something away gives you anxiety, try in small steps. Try only one item a day. Maybe in a month, you may feel up to doing 2 items a day, them 3 and so on. Donating good items that you don’t need may make you feel good in the end. Start small, don’t push yourself too hard if it causes you stress.
  • Start with 5 minutes a day. If it is not the items but the time that overwhelms you, just do 5 mins a day. Pick one room to work on so you start to see progress within a few weeks. If you know you only have to give it your best for 5 mins and then you can “shut the door”, it may help you be less overwhelmed.
  • Trash bag method. Fill one trash bag as fast as you can. Find the trash or throw away items first. After that, the next days fill a trash bag and donate to charity. Sometime a simple plans work but we over complicate things.
  • Donate clothes you never wear. To identify them, simply hang all your clothes with hangers in the reverse direction. After wearing an item, face the hanger in the correct direction. Discard the clothes you never touched after a few months.
  • Try the 10-10-10. Locate 10 items to toss, 10 to donate, and 10 to be returned to their proper home. ( you will surprised how much misplaced items cause clutter).
  • Try taking photos!. Choose one part of your home, like your bathroom, and take a photo of a small area. Quickly clean off the items in the photo and take an after photo. Once you see how your home could look, it becomes easier to start decluttering more of your home.
  • Use the box method. Get some boxes and label them: trash, give away, keep, or re-locate. Put a set of four boxes in each room you want to declutter. Everyday, quick put an item in each of these boxes. Once a box fills, donate, trash, or put away. Sometimes having a tangible method to organize really helps!

No matter which decluttering tip you choose to get started – whether it be one of these or other methods, pick one that helps you and just start. You will be glad you did.


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